Pandemic Pause (on Workshops)
All lightness aside, there is a pandemic swirling around and simply hoping it will all go away isn't an effective response. We're being proactive in our little corner of the community by putting a temporary pause on all classes and workshops here at The Furnace. Read on for more specifics....
At this time, The Furnace is unaffected by COVID-19 (coronavirus) but we, like every other institution/business/thinking person out there, do not want to become an unintended vector for spread of infection.
Governor Polis, the CDC, and and health departments in Colorado, Denver, and Jefferson County all recommend good personal hygiene, caution around "high-touch" areas or items, and "social distancing"--maintaining 6-8 feet between groups of people.
In the interests of public health, we regularly clean all pipes, punties, hand tools, and high-touch areas of our shop. We ask employees to stay home if they feel unwell. We strongly encourage all students to wash hands and use sanitizer. We find ways to give students a hands-on experience while minimizing moments where germs might spread. We're doing even more of that now.
Teaching this art we love, however, requires a fair amount of close contact. And so, from an abundance of caution and with the well-being of our employees and shop visitors firmly in mind, we are taking a little break from teaching classes.
As a small business, we must be mindful of our financial viability every day. Classes and workshops are one key component in that viability--so we'll get them back up and running as soon as this pandemic allows. In the meantime, we continue to make our lovely glass and our shop remains open for business. If anyone has questions for us, don't hesitate to call us at the shop: 303.274.0643.
Sending our best wishes for the health of you and yours,
~Leanne, Corey, + The Furnace Team